Thanks for checking out my brand spankin’ new website folks! I’m looking forward to putting up photos, videos and upcoming tour dates for your viewing pleasure in the very near future! For now you can send me a message a.k.a ‘Dove Call’, read my News and have fun with the Bandcamp link on my homepage! Feel free to stream or download the 7 songs from my debut album, Dovetales, or get the CD!!!  Signed Dovetales CD’s are available through bandcamp or direct purchase from yours truly!

My album launch is in Montreal on Thursday, May 30 at Le Quai des Brumes (4481 Rue St. Denis) at nine p.m! Mayhemingways from Peterborough are the opening band and it’s gonna be a real hoe down with lots of talented musicians and great people! I hope to see you there. Much love, Bobby Dove.

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