Category Archives: News
New BD album in the CAN
Well folks I’ve got a baker’s dozen songs in the can at The Woodshed in Toronto for my new album!!! 😍 I am blown away by the hard work, love and attention that these beautiful souls put into our sessions last week, Bazil Donovan, David Baxter, Michelle Josef and not pictured here, Burke Carroll, Jimmy […]
Summer of Dove 2019
It’s the #summerofdove tour two thousand nineteen !!! I am STOKED to be playing Vancouver Folk Music Festical in trio with Steven Drake and Shane Wilson July 19-21 AND Vancouver Island Music Fest SOLO July 12-14 ! I’ll be singing, picking and hosting workshops at both, and look forward to hearing artists like Irish Mythen […]
Sundays in November at the Cameron House (TORONTO)
I’m stoked to be playing weekly in the front room of The Cameron House, Toronto in November. Sundays 10pm til LATE with a full band of fabulous musicians like Bazil Donovan (Blue Rodeo), David Baxter (Justin Rutledge), Burke Carroll (Kathleen Edwards), Galen Pelley and other Toronto based superstars. Other dates happening this fall are an […]
BD SUMMER TOUR DATES in Western Canada ***Updated***
My #westernramble is a fluid and wild organism that has grown some new foliage (dates): Gimli, MB was rescheduled to Tues September 4th from Mon July 16th — Galiano venue change: Galiano Farmer’s Market Sat August 18 at 2pm! TWO more Ontario shows while I’m heading back east, at the end of the summer: Friday […]
Spring dates (UPDATE! 2 more Montreal shows!)
***** UPDATE two more Montreal shows have been added to my calendar! Sunday June 10th at Fringe Folk (6pm) outside at Parc des Ameriques on St. Laurent and Rachel – Also featuring Li’l Andy and Caribou Stew – here’s the fb event 🙂 AND Tuesday June 19th a house concert in Hochelaga- Maisonneuve w/ Abigail […]